Fiche cheval henry the aviator

R8C4plathandicap 7898albany australie1230M18315wellington & reeves property management handicap (1230 metres)8 partantsdépart à 07:20
Non-partants : 4
11beau zoomH89p2p2p1pnatasha faithfull/101:15
33storm commanderH64p0p(23)2p2plucy fiore/12 l 1/2
42galaxy affairH5(23)7p7p6p4pc johnston-porter/1nez
4sir snugalotH11(23)8p2p3p4prosie mahony/1
27henry the aviatorH62p0p(23)3p3pj whiting/11/2 l
56bentley beauH88p4p(23)8p7pholly watson/11/2 l
68mega rewardH6(23)8p2p4p3pchanel cooper/11 l
75via monteH68p4p8p7pzephen johnston-porter/12 l 1/2

R7C7plathandicap 14502albany australie1100M14658t&r hi-performance muesli handicap (1100 metres)10 partantsdépart à 09:30
Non-partants : 8
19beau zoomH76p2p5p9pnatasha faithfull/101:05
27henry the aviatorH58p5p1p3p6paustin galati/11/2 l
32storm commanderH52p2p8p1p9pjade mc naught/11/2 l
41classic magnusF63p7p5p1p4pj whiting/1encolure
55first lawH66p4p7p7p3pzephen johnston-porter/13/4 l
66blue lineH57p8p7p7p1pvictoria corver/12 l
73avoidanceH51p9p1p1p7pmadi derrick/11 l
84lacevinskyH85p0p9p5pkristy bennett/12 l
8oxbridgeH71p6p5p6p1pb banovic-edwards/1
910mr causewayH76p4p7p(22)2pc nicoll/130 l

R7C5plathandicap 33854mount barker australie1200M14810chris parsons handicap (1200 metres)11 partantsdépart à 08:25
1halatorionH52p5p7p7p9pb rawiller/1
2prince ragnarH46p1p2p2p1pb banovic-edwards/1
3does he knowH38p1p4p1ptaj dyson/1
4henry the aviatorH48p4p1p2p7pms k yuill/1
5final planH56p4p1p9p3pms j valenti/1
6star stormF56p9p4p(21)6pnatasha faithfull/1
7urban warriorH54p0p9p1p5pbrandon louis/1
8charcoal chaosF41p2p6p6p3pjoseph azzopardi/1
9my hidden journeyH65p7p7p0p7pkate witten/1
10calbanescoH88p5p7p9p9pcassey martinan/1
11fuel the friarF64p5p(21)4p0pkristy bennett/1

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